Valkyrie’s Log – What to do when your husband deploys

The Mountains are Calling

Location: Colorado, USA.
Status: Floundering.

As we find ourselves in strange new lands, our native guide, captain of our ship and rock of our family departed for 3 month work rotation in lands far away, it is time to Valkyrie Up! and take the helm.

The temptation to linger in the doldrums caused by the huge hole left in our apartment by is fairly strong. But I have the ability to steer our ship into sunny, happy currents and, right now, just enough inclination to do so.

The day started with an attempt to “Keep calm and carry on… as normal” which failed fairly obviously as the remaining skeleton crew started snipping at each other, losing their tempers and all patience jumped overboard.

We indulged in a mid morning dark chocolate treat to signify acceptance that trying to carry on as normal wasn’t working and to admit that everything isn’t ok and we are allowed to feel sad.

But! Onwards and Upwards!

Our missions, over this next 3 months, are as follows:-

  1. Keep a daily log
  2. Teach Mia the Yoga dog to be calmer on walks
  3. Adhere as closely as possible to a healthy daily structure
Mia’s version of Supta Parivrtta Garudasana/Eagle Twist

So yes, my husband has gone back to work. Yes, we are displaced in a new country with no family and only a few (albeit absolutely lovely) brand new friends nearby. But we are Valkyries. So we will conquer this new land, discover its treasures and sail (metaphorically) it’s fair winds and unfamiliar seas (mountains) until we love it as much, if not more, than the native who brought us here loves it.

Read more about how we ended up in Colorado here.

Grateful for:

  1. A husband I love being with so much
  2. Dark chocolate with salt